Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A mystery box challenge

The PE Geek introduces a mystery box challenge. I also love the idea and am looking forward to doing this with the students.

/ S

Monday, July 25, 2016

High jump final in WC 2011 in Daegu, South Korea

This video shows a few of the men's high jump performances in high jump final in World Championships 2011 in Daegu, South Korea.


What's the best high jump technique?

This video states a question: What's the best high jump technique? As you watch the video think about the following things:

  • what do you think is the best high jump technique?
  • what can you tell about the high jump technique?
  • what should you think when you jump?

Aspects of the high jump

This is an interesting video about the aspects of the high jump.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Katukoripallo - kirjalliset tehtävät

Friidrott - skriftliga uppgifter

Yleisurheilu - kirjalliset tehtävät

30 Day Summer Workout Challenge

Despite the name of this challenge is #30 Day Summer Workout Challenge# you can do it whenever you like to.

CrossFit - mitä se on?

CrossFit - vad är det?



Alustava syyslukukauden 2016 liikuntasuunnitelma

Preliminär idrottsplanering för HT2016

Vem vill bli miljonär? -workout

Haluatko miljonääriksi? -harjoitus

Rules for my PE department

Olympic Games

It is shortly time for the Olympic Summer Games in Rio so here comes a quick fact sheet about the Olympic Games.

Miksi juosta?

Juoksemisen ABC